Monday, July 6, 2009


It was a very busy mini weekend.
DH finished the shell of the garage, and then "prodded" me to finish designing the house layout.

He also made a table top for the camp ground, and cut down a couple of tables under other houses. It's getting crowded in the TV room, and every inch of space saved helps.

I went "hunting" for items that evidently are no longer carried in MA stores. I couldn't find shrink film or texturizing medium. I'm going to try poly-clay for my counter tops. I grabbed the last package of granite skulpy.
I also grabbed a few sheets of textured paper, to experiment with.

I remade the parts for the swap, assemled it, and did the first coat of paint. YAY!!! I did all the cutting by hand, since I lost my square and couldn't re-align the saw. When I misplaced my dremel, I found the square. :-)
Today we had an unusual day of sun and dry weather, so I went out to the shed, opened all the windows, and did some more staining on the T H dining room furniture.
Tomorrow I hope to get back to installing carpeting (if I don't have too much RS cleaning to do).
So much fun; so little time.

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