Wednesday, January 30, 2013


My challenges go beyond bad products, poor instructions, and incorrect order fills.
Making nice minis using "asthma friendly" products seems a contradiction in terms. Set backs (health and mini wise) get me down and tempt me to just give up. Just sit in the rocker and knit?
The "water based" varnish ruined my faux stain on the pews and pulpit. I had to sand and scrape and start over.
As it turns out, I like the final color much better > so that is a GOOD THING. I'll use a water based  "minwax" poly for the final coat. This will have to wait for spring when I can mini outside. 
In the meantime, I unpacked all of the items I already have and displayed them. After 2 years it was nice to see some of my favorite things. The beautiful bride is by Joann Roberts. 

1 comment:

Eliana said...

The church is getting gorgeous! Unfortunately 'unforeseen' happen, but you're doing a beautiful job. ;)